Books For Your Health

Reading is fun and important!

As someone who enjoys reading books mostly for self improvement, I’ve decided to compile a list of books that I believe can help improve both your financial and physical health. This list is in the early stages of being compiled but wanted to get one started to help you out.

Books for your financial health

The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door is one of the first personal finance books I read and it sort of set the stage for my interest in the topic. The book basically lays the foundation of how to become wealthy over time, and that the prototypical millionaire (someone who lives luxuriously and drives fancy new cars) isn’t at all accurate. It shows that becoming wealthy really isn’t that hard, but it does take hard work and determination.



Total Money Makeover

If you have heard of Dave Ramsey, then there is a high probability you have heard of his book  Total Money Makeover is a classic in the personal finance world. It is based on his 7 baby steps to financial peace and millions have used his program with success.

21st Century Wealth

This one is newer on the list and is geared toward Millennials. While many of the concepts are the same as in other finance books, I like the way Rachel Podnos O’Leary the author explains them and how debt and personal finance today are different than it was for other generations.

Books for your physical health

Section Coming soon!

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